
About a month ago, I was investing in some stocks where I could potentially purchase equity, and VZ sparked my interest. This is a telecommunications company you have most likely heard of, Verizon, that operates in the USA and provides its service to over 140 million users.
This likewise with Verizon Communications is a high-yielding dividend. Unlike, VZ, however, this is an ETF and not entirely a company, but it is an underlying initiative/subsection under a big corporation like JPMorgan.
Shopify the e-commerce giant, where companies are founded and flourish daily, came to my attention when my father informed me that he was in fact down a tremendous amount on it in his portfolio.
TSM, a stock brought to my attention through social media, due to the new craze over AI, where this company is smack dab in the middle of. TSMC, founded in 1987, is a Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturing company, recognized as the world's largest semiconductor foundry.
Let me begin by stating that none of what you hear is financial aid or advice, just some mere speculation from a kid's point of view on the stock market. Now that we got that out of the way, let's get into the nitty and gritty of the ticker symbol EBS, our very own Emergent Biosolutions.
Penny stocks are inexpensive shares of small companies that are usually sold for less than $5 a share. They have a reputation for being quite volatile, but they also have the potential to yield large rewards. Although these equities are typically seen as high-risk investments, people who are adept at navigating the market might profit substantially from them.
The Bears vs. the Bulls, oh a continuous battle originating from the dawn of times in USA’s epic history, which is in no way shape, or form drawing signs of the end. Every year it's a constant battle, with the bears trying to throw shade at the bulls, dragging the market down a teensy bit,